(The following was sent as an email on 14 March 2020)
Hi Revolutionaries it’s Neil, the owner of your Pilates studio.
As you know, there is international concern over the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Whilst I don’t want to blow the situation up more than is required, I need us to play our part in keeping you, my staff and the public safe.
The Australian Government has put in place guidance and some restrictions which are likely to change when the situation in Australia changes.
In order to play our part and ensure we assist in looking after everyone’s health and well-being, I am basing the following policy on the Government’s position as well as information coming from the WA Health Department. This will change when the situation develops. This notice is also based on those restrictions; the edited text from my good friend Matt Evans of Grandstand CrossFit (thank you, Matty).
The following recommendations are made in the best interest of protecting all Revolutionaries. It is my responsibility to ensure that our actions are in the best interests of everyone around us. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Hygiene at the Studio
It is compulsory to wash your hands before and after class. Let the staffers know if the soap has run out.
It is also compulsory to sanitise and wipe down your equipment after use. We will have additional antiseptic wipe arriving shortly. In the meantime, use the current spray and wipe.
Bring a towel for your sweat and extra shirts for your workout. In particular cover shared pillows and mats with your towel. Ultimately bring your own mats for your session.
At this time, international travel is a concern and you are asked to discuss any plans you have to travel internationally with us as there could be ramifications on your return to Australia.
Currently, if you have been in, or transited through mainland China, Iran, South Korea and Italy or have been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the last two weeks, you have to isolate yourself at home for 14 days. There are also other higher risk countries to consider, as a trip there may affect you on your return to Australia.
Please notify us immediately and we will prepare home training programs for you.
Self Isolation
If you are exhibiting symptoms of a flu, sniffles or a cough, please do not attend your class. Self Isolate and stay at home to recover. Send us an email and we can organise great workouts for you to do at home.
If you look to be unwell and exhibiting a cough, my staff have been given the authority to send you home.
If you fall sick whilst in isolation, please seek appropriate medical attention and keep us informed.
Please respect these instructions and those of your instructors. We know this may be hard to accept, but this policy is in the best interest of our clients, our staff and their families.
Feel free to contact us and email us if you have any concerns.
Much love and care,
Neil and the Staff at Revolution