The Pilates Method is a popular movement regimen that includes the use of special stretches and machines, dramatically improving strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, posture. It works the whole body while focusing on proper alignment increasing range of movement, freeing you from poor postural habits while relieving tension and fatigue. Pilates also develops a strong abdominal centre which helps alleviate back pain and improves performance in all aspects of life.
It is named after it’s creator, Joseph Hubertus Pilates, who was born in Germany in 1880. He was a gymnast, bodybuilder, martial artist and boxer, circus performer, and fitness innovator who designed a series of exercises using only body weight and a mat, as well as repertoire to be done on a number of ingenious machines using pulleys and springs for resistance. In 1926, he moved to New York City, where his studio quickly became popular with dancers like Martha Graham and George Ballanchine who appreciated the emphasis on overall strength and flexibility over bulk.
Many modern celebrities have helped lift public awareness of the work: Madonna, Clint Eastwood, Australian triathlete Marc Dragon, to name a few, lauding it’s benefits to improve fitness, body shape and performance. However, anyone can benefit from the Pilates Method, from 10 years old to the elderly and at any level of fitness or ability. And this is how Joseph always meant his work to be used, by anyone and everyone.
There is also a great interest among physiotherapists and other rehabilitation specialists who find Pilates-based exercise to be very useful for many of their patients, due in part to its approach to Core Stabilization and functional movement training; these are recognized as of prime importance in the care and prevention of back pain and the rehabilitation of many musculoskeletal conditions.
Pilates or GYROTONIC®…Which to choose?
We are the only studio on the West Coast to teach both The Pilates Method and GYROTONIC® Expansion System. Both systems compliment each other as well as stand on their own. At Revolution, you can choose to learn either one or both of these exciting mind-body techniques and we would love the chance to introduce them to you.