Anthony, Ironman Triathlete
6 yrs ago I was approaching middle age and relatively inactive, exercising maybe one or two hours a week in a bid to stave off weight gain and the seemingly inevitable heart attack. Then I followed my wife Justine into triathlon and quickly transitioned from short course to half Ironman to Ironman in just over 12 months.
This was initially ok as I gradually improved and pushed myself harder and longer but soon regular hamstring injuries and other niggles like shoulder injuries and lower back pain began to plague me. After about 2 years of physio and hamstring re-injury it was clear that after a life of semi-sedentary pursuits and study/office work my body was not ready for the demands of an endurance sport like triathlon….continued
As a physiotherapist with an arthritic neck, I have found Revolution Pilates to be a studio where I can exercise safely an in a way which is both interesting and enlightening. Even to one with a medical background! All the staff are motivating and genuinely interested in the clients well-being.
I started going to Revolution Pilates Studio about 13 years ago on the recommendation of my physiotherapist. I had just started to get some bad back problems and I was keen to build up my strength and learn some exercises to help me get through these painful patches. I have not visited the physio since and I have moved from doing Pilates to doing the Gyrokinesis Yoga twice a week, which I absolutely love. Neil is a great teacher with a wicked sense of humour, and I affectionately call it my ‘laughing yoga’. Nothing like a good stretch and a good laugh to keep those back problems at bay.
My time with Neil has truly been the best and that’s coming from doctors that had so much doubt over me. The exercises may look easy and simple, but once you continue at them they become easier. You use so many muscles that you forgot were there. I’m so close to walking. My life has changed for the best joining Revolution Pilates.
The thing I love the most about Pilates, is that you have your own individual program to suit you and can work at your own pace but can also always be challenging yourself. Once you have mastered an exercise there is always a harder stronger version to be attempted. The instructors at Revolution Pilates are always willing to help you with your program and keep you moving up to that next level. They have always been of an extremely high standard.It’s a pleasure to walk into the studio and be greeted by happy smiling people but also be treated with extreme professionalism.
As a middle aged, sufferer of chronic lower back pain for many years I have found the practice of Pilates to be a focused and gentle form of exercise with significant benefits. Increased strength and mobility have provided tangible pain relief and improved my quality of life, revitalising interests like sailing, biking and surfing that at one stage I felt had passed me by. Following recent back surgery I have used Pilates as my primary recuperative exercise with very pleasing results. I would without hesitation recommend the Revolution Pilates Studio to anyone wanting to improve their quality of life.
I found Revolution Pilates Studio helped me a LOT with my flexibility and being able to move with a lot more freedom. And the staff are VERY friendly!